- Dewey Fairchild, Parent Problem Solver
- Dewey Fairchild, Teacher Problem Solver
- Dewey Fairchild, Sibling Problem Solver
- Phi Delta Kappan, “Teaching in a Time of Scarcity”
- Los Angeles Times, “Darkness at Noon in Santa Monica”
- CollegeBoard AP Central, “Know Before You Go”
- CollegeBoard AP Central, “Two Sides of a Coin”
- CollegeBoard AP Central, “Significance, Consequence, Reason”
- The First Thing I Did With A Computer: Twenty Things to Do with a Computer Forward 50: Future Visions of Education Inspired by Seymour Papert and Cynthia Solomon’s Seminal Work
- STEAMHAMLET 2051: Artificial Intelligence, Human Agency and the Educational Leader
- Possible Possibles: Tynker Blog
- Could Minecraft Be A School?: Game-Based Learning Across The Disciplines
- Uncharted Territory: The Nexus Between Doctoral Education and Community-based Learning: Journal of Leadership, Equity, and Research
- Toward a Unified Computer Learning Theory: Critical Techno Constructivism: Doctoral Dissertation Research